It seems that is tasteless drying, but we would like to survey present this area (Tsuyama city) with statistics.
Location. Area
Area 506.36km²
E Longitude (city hall) 134° 0 ' 25"
N Latitude (city hall) 35° 3 ' 58"
Elevation(city hall) 99m
Number of households 38,987
Total Population 111,499
Male 53,158
Female 58,341
Population classified by age
Industrial Classification
Age class Population Percentage
Total Population 111,499 100.0%
0-14 years old 17,713 15.9%
15-64years old 69.958 62.7%
65 years old or more 23,822 21.4%
Classified by industry Number of people Percentage
Total 54,805 100.0%
Agricultural Section 4,266 7.8%
Heavy Industries 17,995 32.8%
Service Sector 32,461 59.2%
Circumstance of industry
The number of farmers, farm population and management arable land area
Number of entire farmers 7,328
Self-sustaining farmer 1,752
Sale farmer 5,576
Farm population 30,145
Management arable land area 5,169ha
Rice field 4,598ha
Field 479ha
Orchard 92ha
Circumstance of industry
The number of manufacturing industry offices,
shipments amount and Number of Employees
The number of manufacturing industry offices 278
Number of being employed people 7,249
Shipments amount ¥177,690,000,000
Nnumber of stores, Nnumber of being employed peopl and annual commodity sales
Stores 1,903
Employees 11,592
Annual commodity sales ¥288,885,000,000
( It depends on 2000 year census and 2002 yearly turnover industry statistics.)
Circumstance of industrial trend
(Depending on data of Tsuyama wide area office work union compilation)
Being employed numerical  Shipment amount
17,892 17.458 17,930
1980 1985 1988 1989
1980 1985 1988 1989
Nomber of Companies
727 705
1980 1985 1988 1989
Being employed numerical stabilizes from gradual increase, as for the number of offices as for diminishing and shipment amount has extended. From this kind of data, you can ask that abridgement of industry is advanced loosely at this area.
Being there is no data in labor assistant, you cannot assert, but intensification of labor and qualitative decrease of working condition that it is advancing attendant upon this, considered as nationwide tendency it is thought that it cannot deny.
The Chiyugoku mountain region

The time when Japan continued economic growth, population drain most as for advancing is the Shikoku Kyushu and chiyugoku mountainous region. Feature of these areas is small characteristic of the industry. The Chiyugoku mountain region in comparison with entire country average was the area which abridgement is not advancing at the time of all meaning. In agriculture it does it does in forestry being small-scale, circumstances doing, industry and others it forced and there was no thing. The even form of agricultural mountain village inside the Chinese mountain region was something which almost leads the life of self-sufficiency, cultivated land of the area whose 1 door 1 doors are few with the barely mountains and forests. Ratio of the government-owned area in the mountains and forests was small, being reclassified finely, had become possession of the individual. If you refer to present easy point of view, you can think that that it was the ideal form whose load is little in environment. There was no thing to which the combining people desire the continuation of the state. Differential of the urban district was spreading due to economic growth, the life which disposable income cannot produce money income little most quickly had become unable to think.
In Okayama prefecture differential correction of the prefectural south seaside section and the prefectural north mountainous region where industry develops shouted from the sixties. Calling combining this, it is not the meaning where effective measure is enforced. You can call central Tsuyama of Mimasaka district in that kind of circumstance that ˆ½ ‚é it meant and it fought well. In 1951 the junior college of private 2 school opening, in 1965 gathers fund-raising even from the citizen and e.g., Tsuyama cultural center completes, as a center of area you probably can say that it is it came carrying out role. Even at field of commerce, there was also a time when long arcade town had become pride of the citizen.
The Tanaka Cabinet the spots increases the Japanese islands' reconstructing entering the seventies. As for this being something which plans the rearrangement of service and industry of the traffic net, as for today being appraised generally as leaves such as appreciating of land price and establishing the earth building nation, establishing the profit induction type politics to area, and strengthening the adhesion of the governmental government and private sector negative heritage mainly as the result sort of advice of many people is. And adjusting to being open to traffic of the Chinese running through automatic driveway, the fact that Sawayama's industrial complex is created in this area is as seen first.
In this kind of flow, does Tsuyama today probably exist as the area which is charm and the vital force? Advancement of motorization brought the atrophy of the public transportation simultaneously. Now the bus and the railroad have become the existence whose it is difficult to ask that, as an expedient of movement at the time of this area. With this the shopping center of the urban center reduced the spirit, suburb type super and shopping center replaced to that. Now, the view which does not have the kind of feature which is seen the Japanese nationwide anywhere is only is spreading.
The industrial complex as seen in the graph, employment and increased revenue of tax somewhat it has brought about in this area, but you probably can say that the life where the people who work there as expected are rich is led? Many of the employee of these industrial complexes the contract employee whose contract period of employment is short excluding the part employee, are the people of the employment form which is called the part timer, or the part-time job which are dispatched from the talent dispatch company, the earnings are low held down.
And, in the aspect of circulation the product is carried by one time big city circulation base, it has become the shape that this is again delivered in this area. Those where the area area of production going out and the like starts shouting are polar recent thing.
Seeing generally, consumer price is not cheap, but wages it has become the composition that it is low. This is the appearance such as one colony quite on the country of the Japanese capitalism.
¦ ‚Ä William Morris developed the motion, arts and craft, but this was not something simply regarding art and the technical art, the radical question regarding the method of living the human was concealed in root. It had the change of the production form with industrial revolution in the background. Morris's dejection from it has become deep at the time of today.
It does, already as the industrial complex and it is developed even in part it sets up the counterattack of green vis-a-vis those which carry out fixed role in public finance and employment of area, to try the revival of the village mountain, you must keep proposing the existence style of the new this area where it changes to the present form. It is the place where that intends this project. That is addressing the issue which exceeds the level such as sentiment and the like of my individual.

Kusakabe and Ayabe direction it faces from the Nara Tsuyama city sky.
(In DEM CG by the NASA 90m mesh data, the trees and shrubs structure and the like revision)
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