Installation on the WEB Publishing / Issue
Book Publishing/Issue
The installation (Pablishing/Issue) is a project for pablish fictional book. Those are the books which impossible to read. It seems like dose not make any sense. However, it is a method which present not the described content but the issue itself. It is a versatile way of expretion, it is possible to install painted picture of book or sculpture in a gallery also take a turn on the WEB like this. Knowledge is living with each individual and omnipresent in the world. The works opted for be a moment which intrigue there own story to spin based on there awareness of the issues and context.
American doctrine Whereabouts The theory The enterprise Fifty ways The Art there`s no Jungians
Interactivity and participation of the spectator is a factor of the project. If you interested in the project, and have an idea about title of the book which you aim to add here, Please contact me. I will think about possibility to adoption and issue it here under your name, by way of alignment with the concept of the work.
Radioactive mark
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production & Copyright ; Hiroyasu Taguchi